Thursday, November 30, 2006

Andrew, Apostle

What would things have been like if it hadn’t been for Andrew? The most well-known of the twelve apostles is Peter. He was always the one speaking first, making things happen, sticking his foot in his mouth. He became the leader of the apostles and was not afraid to step into the spotlight.

But if it hadn’t been for his brother, how might have things been different? Andrew was the one who introduced Peter to Jesus. Who knows, Peter might have remained a fisherman the rest of his life if it hadn’t been for his brother. We don’t hear much else about Andrew. But God certainly used him in a wonderful way. Jesus called his brother Peter and him to be apostles. Whether we become well known like Peter or hardly anything is known about us at all like Andrew, we can be grateful that our Lord uses us for the furthering of His Gospel.


Anonymous said...

I like the daily devotional type writings you post, Rev. Will.


rev.will said...

Thanks Vona. Every festival in the Church Year I will post some type of devotional like that. There's a lot of minor festivals in the Church Year that I think we forget about, especially all the commemorations of the saints, so I want to post on them so that we don't forget the many blessings God has given us throughout history.